
It can be happy or sad. It can be better or worse. It's either-or but it will never be neither-nor. :)


The First Entry

It's 2012, and this is my first entry for this year. It's kind of sad to say goodbye to 2011 (this is actually a little too late). There are a lot of things happened back then. During the first quarter, I decided to quit my job.  I want to start building my own career. I want to follow my dreams. So, what I did is, I set up a plan. Every day, on my mind, I’m counting the days and crafting my own steps on how the things will be done. I planned and planned.

Days passed. Weeks passed. Months passed. I’m still here. I realize I can’t afford to follow my dreams yet.  I still have responsibilities that this current job can support. So okay, I stayed. Day by day, I’m thinking when this will end. Well, to forget about the first plan that failed, I let myself enjoy my stay. I tried to put my best foot forward. Getting high scores, taking pleasure in having bonuses and somehow improving myself on the process. But now, it’s not like that anymore. Every time my shift starts (at 7am), I’m wishing that time could run faster for me to see Mr. 4:00pm to strike immediately. I’m always looking forward on rest days. And then, realization came in, I’m doing this for the sake that I’m working and I’m not really enjoying it. First quarter plan, failed.

Friendship. One of the best things 2011 gave me. I can’t detail the happenings, the arguments and the sharing me and my friends had but it’s the best.  Broadening my horizon, succeed. :)

Woh! Should I forget one of the spices of life? Here it goes. I thought 2011 was the time that I should regain my consciousness and fall in love again. I mean, for real.  I'm tired of Mutual Understanding, of Constantly Dating and of No Commitments. To think those are my rules for these past two years, haha.  When I thought the opportunity came, I give it my best shot.  Can’t go anywhere without make up (not the flashy one, hoho). Always aware of fashion style: accessories, match; shoes, lovely; and dress, a little finicky. Conscious on my reaction, how I speak, how I comment, and on my way of pleasing people. Hmmn, but I guess it’s should not be the way it is or maybe it’s not enough because it still ends. Love life, failed.

It’s 2012 but it’s not the end of the world.  It’s time to make change. It’s time to improve.  I’ll start with this first entry. No pattern. No requirement. I’ll just let my heart decides on what to write and my mind guides on what to post and hide. Let’s see where 2012 will take me. :)

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