
It can be happy or sad. It can be better or worse. It's either-or but it will never be neither-nor. :)



I just watched a Korean movie entitled Sunny. It is about a group of high school students who were bonded by friendship. They go to school together, they sing till they tired each other, they fight with other group of girls; they laugh, cry and smile. Their group is composed of seven girls with different personalities. There’s a leader who always cares for them. There’s a future beauty queen who make sure she have the latest style since her mom owns a beauty salon.  One of the girls is a magazine model who has the prettiest face among them. Another one who loves to recite bad words. There’s also a member who always take care of her eyes since she have double eyelids. They also have a girl who loves to fight using sticks but also want to be a writer. And lastly, they have the newest girl that enters the group and also the protagonist of the story, who came from the country side. They call themselves Sunny.

They spent a lot of times together. Just like other normal groups. They also have some misunderstanding however they were never apart. Yet, it will never be an interesting story if there are no hardships that will topple them.  Cliché as it may seem but for every good story, there’s a tragedy. When they celebrate their school festival, unfortunately the newest member got into trouble and the leader rescued her. The other girls were also there. The girl who has the prettiest face suddenly appeared on the back of the antagonist and was accidentally [purposely] slashed by piece of glass on her face.

Everyone was devastated. All of them shed tears.

After 25 years, destiny led them to each other. The country girl who is currently happy with her own family met the leader that is in the hospital fighting with cancer.  She tried to search for their friends together with the girl who loves her eyelids that is now working for an insurance company. They also found the girl who loves to swear and now a housewife that talk like a fine lady. They continue the search. They meet again the girl who wants to be a writer. Unfortunately, she is jobless and is taking care of her husband’s family. They also found the beauty queen who unluckily lost their fortune and is working now on a bar.

The leader who doesn’t have much time to live, still wants to see the girl that was most affected [victim] of the incident happened during their school festival. They searched until the leader lost her life. They went to the second day of the funeral. Only the five of them.  They still try to wait for the seventh girl. Then suddenly the personal lawyer of the leader came. It was revealed that the leader has a will. She was rich. She assigned a new leader, she gave job to the jobless, and she provided home for the homeless and made sure all of them will be taken care of. From there and then, I know she is still a leader till the end who takes care of her friends. At the end of the story, while everybody is dancing the moves they’ve choreographed during high school, the last girl came. The girl who should have a scar on her left face is standing beautifully before them. XOXO.

It might be a very nice story which became unexciting since I’m the one narrating it, but I swear I cried a river while and after watching it. I miss all my high school friends.  :)


Hey! Say!

Every time I open my pc, I'm always thinking of updating my blog. However, I can't think of anything to write. Even though there are lot of things going on worth talking about. So, I tried to think of the reason why. Well, recently I'm visiting a lot of blogs from different parts of the world. Not really to follow the blogger but to check on the posts that they have about something that I'm into right now. Wanna know? Wanna know? It's about an all boy group from Japan. Hey! Say! Jump. Some of them are still on their teens currently, some are on their twenties.

Every time I type their name on google, lots of blog is showing up. And when I visit each one of them, I can really see the dedication of the blogger to update his/her account not only for the benefits of his/her follower but also for the satisfaction he/she is getting. Up to date posts. Personalization. Nothing can be compared of.

After  making a stopover on their blog, I feel  really insecure. Hoho. Not only because my blog is not updated but also I can see on their creation that they have a goal. That is to express their love for their Idol  and promise to their follower through the posts, shares that they are uploading . And from there and then, I realize how bad I was. Although from my last post, I promised to make some changes on it and I know in my heart that I want somebody to follow it.

Originally, I created this blog to express the feelings that I can’t really tell to anybody. I’m not hoping for some followers. I just want to show the other side of me. I’m not good in writing.  I have the passion but I don’t have the talent.  That’s why if somebody will read this, I may want to just be eaten out by the chair where I’m sitting right now.

Actually, telling stories verbally is worse. I’m not good at words. I’m easily destructed. Woah!

Anyways, there’s still a room for improvement. If there are thousands of rooms, I’ll try my best to visit all of them. Haha. Ganbaremasu!